

Aug 09, 2023

How Much Do We Spend On Clothes Every Year? New Survey Reveals Interesting Results

Considering we’re the brains behind retail giant Penneys it stands to reason that we know our stuff when it comes to shopping.

If you’ve ever wondered just how much we spend kitting out our wardrobes in a year or how much it costs to dress children, we have the stats.

The average Irish adult purchases 23 items of clothing a year, each priced at an average of €45.56 which comes in at a total of €1,047.88.

As part of their Me by Me summer campaign, TX Maxx surveyed one thousand adults in Ireland about attitudes towards style, how they shop, spending habits, and fashion identity.

Parents are thought to fork out a yearly spend of €312.99 on clothing for each child while 62% of people surveyed believe they would be more stylish if they could afford to spend more.

53% of those surveyed wish they were more style confident and 28% are frustrated, feeling that fashion is targeted at a younger generation.

Irish people feel most stylish at the age of 30 and in any given year, we are likely to throw out four items of unwanted or old clothing while 54% of people give away clothing because it doesn’t suit them.

Almost seven in ten Irish adults believe that their clothes represent their individuality and nearly a third of people have changed their style after being promoted at work while 27% changed how they dress after becoming a new parent.

55% of those surveyed don’t care what people think of their style and feel they dress for themselves and one in four adults said they receive one style compliment a month.

There you have it, our spending habits and style notions are revealed!

Considering we’re the brains behind retail giant Penneys it stands to reason that we know our stuff when it comes to shopping.Considering we’re the brains behind retail giant Penneys it stands to reason that we know our stuff when it comes to shopping.Considering we’re the brains behind retail giant Penneys it stands to reason that we know our stuff when it comes to shopping.Considering we’re the brains behind retail giant Penneys it stands to reason that we know our stuff when it comes to shopping.Considering we’re the brains behind retail giant Penneys it stands to reason that we know our stuff when it comes to shopping.Considering we’re the brains behind retail giant Penneys it stands to reason that we know our stuff when it comes to shopping.